Total Wellness Empowerment
Practitioner Lab Intro Training
Next Steps
Join the Monthly Mentorship |
That's Where the Rubber Hits the Road |
Gain Clinical Experience with the Labs |
- NextStepstoMentorship
Setting yourself up to success and thrive in your practice.
Specialized labs are the most effective method to grow your business and keep clients loyal and referring others.
Look forward to you being a member in the Monthly Mentorship, where you will gain clinical experience utilizing the specialized labs.
To your Happiness and Success!
- Functional Medicine Explanation to Potential Clients
Functional Medicine Explanation to Potential Clients
Congratulations! You have just completed the The Practitioner Lab Intro Training, part of the Total Wellness Empowerment Institute and we have several other programs you can explore.
To get started with offering your clients the specialized labs, become a member of the Practitioner Mentorship and schedule your initial session to get your lab blueprint up-and-running.
We look forward to your success and being the ripple effect in the lives of others.
Here is the main Total Wellness Empowerment website:
Additional courses offered are:
b) a Children's Health Coach program (the focus is on Special Needs and this course can apply to all children and youth to navigate a healthier childhood).